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Nutraceutical Biohacking

Nutraceutical Biohacking: Universal Longevity Protocol

Nutraceutical Biohacking: Universal Longevity Protocol

You don't become old or elderly at a certain age. But you have to take into account that the body is constantly changing.

What causes aging is the resistance to change that creates tensions. These tensions act negatively on the nervous system and eventually cause functional disorders and possibly diseases when this persistent tension continues over time.

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The best remedy for biohacking is to have this capacity for perpetual adaptation, because the body, life, seasons, the earth's movement is insatiable. Any external movement requires a flexible bodily and psychic capacity to receive this changing movement that accompanies our path of life.

Some solutions

Make gradual changes to your body, diet and lifestyle to improve your health and well-being.

To stay healthy and have this power of biohacking, we must make daily efforts in our lifestyle.

  • Diet/Fasting
  • Sleep – rest
  • Cortisol Management
  • Breathing – exercise, sport
  • Relax/relaxation – Mindfulness
  • Pleasure – Humor
  • Epigenetics / Nature
  • Targeted supplements
  • Stay away from toxic elements or relationships


Our organs need essential fatty acids, essential vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins and carbohydrates, to function at their best. This is especially true for the body's most complex organ, the brain, where the expression "you are what you eat" goes.

When it comes to the brain and our neurons, myelin is crucial: it forms an insulating sheath around nerve cells, facilitating rapid communication as well as normal motor and sensory functions and cognition.

Unfortunately, the natural aging process causes the myelin sheath to degenerate, resulting in a decline in mental and physical abilities in older adults. DHA may mitigate the harmful effects of aging on the brain, new findings suggest.


At Herbasanté, Neuromega is the product on the Canadian market with the highest concentration of DHA per 1ctea. Neuromega helps support cognitive health and brain function.

* It is easy to digest

* Sugar free

* Delicious taste and no fishy aftertaste

 * Molecular distillation




Key organelle responsible for cellular energy production.

Loss of function can lead to excessive fatigue and other symptoms that are common complaints in almost all chronic diseases.

Several components of this system can be facilitated with natural supplements



from Herbasanté provides cellular and mitochondrial support.

 * Powerful anti-oxidant

* Physical and mental performance

Increases cellular energy

* Optimizes metabolic and cellular functions


Cellular matrix

  • A vast network of proteins and other molecules that surround, support, and structure the body's cells and tissues
  • Helps cells attach and communicate with neighboring cells
  • Plays an important role in cell growth and cell movement
  • Involved in the repair of damaged tissues
  • Collagens are the most abundant protein in the ECM

Organic silica (monomethyl silanetriol)

Highest absorption of silica sources tested.

Sili-Mer is amphiphilic – it can dissolve in both water and lipids.

  • Can travel in traffic via water
  • Can cross lipid layers of cell membranes

Studies confirm benefits in:

  • Cardiovascular health
  • Healthy skin, hair and nails
  • Cartilage and Joint Health
  • Bone and tooth health

Detox (protects against aluminum)


  • In the five most important minerals in the body (Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Si)
  • Creates bonds between protein molecules that help skin retain water; crucial for cell repair and renewal.
  • Provides strength, flexibility and resilience to connective tissues,
  • Helps calcium and magnesium metabolism, which is crucial for hormonal balance, strong muscles and a healthy heart.
  • While collagen provides the framework for our bones, silica strengthens these bonds and makes them more mobile. Silica is needed to both build and then absorb collagen, helping to glue the collagen together
  • The concentration of silica in the body decreases by about 80% with age.


To optimize the benefits of our suggestions, I also invite you to prioritize your daily routine. Such as going to bed at the same time every night and eating at regular times. Routine is portrayed to us in our society as being boring. And yet... Routine helps reduce stress, promotes practices for a better quality of life and reduces energy losses in making decisions for each action. The most important thing is to choose your routine, the one that makes you feel good, and not the one that is endured.

Next article How to take care of your kidneys and your bladder